Channel: HD-afhandlinger / Diploma theses
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Fra Digital indfødt til Digital specialist

Fra Digital indfødt til Digital specialist Rasmussen, Søren Krestian; Hansen, Raino Kristian This thesis describes a local educational project “A-level with E-sports” in the regional context of the city of Roskilde, Denmark. In this context it was a part of a triple-helix project involving the local job center and companies under the auspices of the municipal innovation organization Corolab. The project is followed from the very early pitching phase in November 2017, over the nomination of a project leader from Corolab in December 2017. Two meetings chaired by Corolab are described in this thesis. Then interventions are made by means of electronic communication. After the submission of the thesis a LAN party will be held to promote “A-level with E-sports”. This event will be attended by two special guests. These include an E-sport commentator with international exposure and a YouTuber with 1.1 million followers. The thesis analysis for the project parameters as expressed by the informants have been followed. Start and current date is equal for both the Scandinavian School of Project Management as well as the Best Practice of Project Management. This gives a span from pitch to execution according to both theoretical schools. In the period before interventions, it is only a project according to the Scandinavian School, which relies on the presence of a vision rather than a project manual. It is only in the intervention phase that a project is present according to both schools. The main reason for this is the severe lack of confirmed minutes from the meetings. The participants are engaged in the project for the economic aspect, as the triple helix project applies to the core tasks of the participating organisations. It is highly plausible that irrational travel and expenditure rules have steered the project towards the international perspective. As a consequence, the project has been on hold whilst awaiting the EU call for projects. When a participant has a choice between something visionary and undetermined or an immediate secure source of income, the latter is chosen. The thesis uncovers that two participants in the triple helix organisation utters terms used for project management. The remaining participants speak and act like suppliers of uncomplicated products, where the most valued non-tangible product is public relations exposure from the participation. The unforeseen deferral of the call for EU regional developmental fund for the Danish island of Zealand gave the urgent need for interventions in order to keep the project on track. It was desired that the participants met again, so it was suggested to the official project owner to call for a meeting. One of the key participants had national restraints on the core business and was unable to buy into the vision. The implementation of the “Technology pact” could be the means necessary to remove the restraints. Interventions were directed towards the LinkedIn profile for the Danish Minister for Trade Mr. Mikkelsen. Comments in a positive vocabulary were posted asking about the visionary “Technology Pact”, which had been announced by four ministers of government. The comments in relation to the intervention were highlighted by the project members, and the Minister for Trade had to reply. As a result of this, the municipal organisation Corolab successfully requested a political member on their board to contact his party member, the Minister of Trade. Through this it is learned that some public organisations are prohibited from the direct communication about their needs and development possibilities, even if the businesses should experience a shortage of skilled people. The thesis touches upon the European shortage of skilled IT-workers. As a part of the project it is envisaged to apply the EU funded tool www.ecompetences.eu. This has two major application areas: Self-taught workers may have their skills certified for the immediate use on the labour market, and in the educational system the tool could be applied to visualise the progress towards a set career and educational goal.

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